The Party Committee of the Ho Chi Minh city Power Corporation on March 12th held an online meeting of 1,450 individuals on building the working style of the heads, cadres and Party members in realization of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style.
Compiled by P.H |
Addressing the meeting, To Dai Phong, Deputy Head of the city Party Committee Commission for Popularization and Education, shared with attendants key contents of the realization in which he stressed that heads, leaders and managers must be exemplary in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, and in implementing the Secretariat’s regulation on cadres’ and Party members’ responsibilities in setting themselves as examples.
As planned, Party organizations in the corporation will include the contents of studying and following Uncle Ho’s example in regular meetings; make plans on personal practice; and regularly check and assess done work.
Attendants were also provided with the National Assembly resolution dated November 24th, 2017, on pilot special mechanisms and policies for the development of the city./.
Compiled by P.H