The Party Committee of the Ho Chi Minh city’s Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union on January 31st held a meeting to mark the 88th founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3rd) and the 50th anniversary of the General Tet Offensive in the Spring of 1968, and present pins and insignias to Party members.
Party members receive insignias. (Photo: |
Reviewing the glorious tradition of the Communist Party of Vietnam over the past 88 years, as well as the illustrious history of the General Tet Offensive in the Spring of 1968, Secretary of the city Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Pham Hong Son stressed that the anniversary is a chance for each cadre and Party member to have more profound awareness of the sacrifice of diverse generations of cadres and Party members who devoted their whole lives to national independence, reunification and territorial integrity.
“Each cadre and Party member will look into the history, confirm their trust in the Party leadership, realize their aspirations, and inherit the historic tradition and achievements made by previous generations,” he added.
In 2018, the Party Committee of the city’s Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union will continue to realize the Directive 05 of the Politburo on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, using practical solutions, to increase the efficiency of work.
During the meeting, 87 Party members with 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 year memberships were presented with pins while those with 30 or 35 year memberships presented with insignias./.
Compiled by BTA