Tree planting festival organized by Kien Giang province

At the event (Photo: NDO)

Implementing the policy of the Party and State and direction of the Border Guard High Command, the Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee, the Border Guard Command of Kien Giang province and 100% of the units in the whole border guard force, every year simultaneously coordinate with the Party committees and local authorities to organize the "Tree planting festival in gratitude to Uncle Ho" in the barracks campus, rural roads, along the border patrol road, and on the forest land area in the border area.

Speaking at the event, Colonel Huynh Van Dong, Political Commissar of the Border Guard Command of Kien Giang province, requested agencies and units actively coordinate closely with the Party committees, authorities, local departments, agencies and sectors to plant, care for and protect green trees; forest fire prevention and fighting; strictly managing and preventing illegal cutting and deforestation; and communicating and mobilizing people in border areas to actively respond to activities of planting, caring for and protecting green trees, and protecting the ecological environment in the locality.

After the launching ceremony, the Border Guard Command of Kien Giang province and all units planted more than 3,500 trees of all kinds in the premises of agencies and units, along rural roads and border patrol roads./.


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