Storytellers of President Ho Chi Minh

Guiding visitors through the Kim Lien Special National Historical and Cultural Site (Nam Dan, Nghe An) (Photo:

At the Kim Lien Historical Site in Nam Dan, Nghe An, the hometown of President Ho Chi Minh, becoming a tour guide is not only a career but also a source of pride and honor for the locals. With voices imbued with the warmth and emotion of Nghe An, guides bring President Ho Chi Minh’s actions and words to life, evoking profound feelings and nurturing a sense of love for the homeland in every visitor.

Visitors to the Kim Lien Historical Site experience the vitality of history through the heartfelt storytelling of the guides. They lead visitors through tales of President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood with deep, resonant voices, rich in emotion.

Many visitors, such as Ms. Do Thi Minh Cam and Ms. Le Thi Kim Anh, were deeply moved by these stories, often shedding tears as they listened. Ms. Minh Cam shared that the guides’ expressive voices stirred powerful emotions, while Ms. Kim Anh felt deeply touched every time she returned to President Ho Chi Minh’s hometown and heard the stories firsthand.

Being a tour guide is not merely about narrating stories. During peak times, when there can be 500 to 700 visitors in a single day, the guides spend hours outdoors. To maintain and convey emotions to their audiences, they not only rely on their unique voices but also undergo continuous training to deliver the most authentic depiction of President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood and character.

Ms. Pham Thi Oanh, a tour guide at the site, shared: “The profound affection from people across the country and international friends for President Ho Chi Minh is a significant motivation that has kept me dedicated to this job for the past 14 years.”

At the Kim Lien Historical Site, the guides are not just storytellers; they are also custodians and transmitters of the invaluable legacy of President Ho Chi Minh, contributing to meaningful experiences for every visitor./.


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