Newly elected Party chief To Lam offers flowers to tribute to President Ho Chi Minh

At the event (Photo: VOV)

This is the first activity in a series of events during Party General Secretary and President To Lam’s first working visit to Ho Chi Minh City after he was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee in early August, according to Radio the Voice of Vietnam.

In front of the Monument, Lieutenant General Le Hong Nam, director of the Ho Chi Minh City Police, delivered a report, reviewing the feat of arms the municipal police force has recorded in recent times.

He said upholding the spirit of “Prevention is Better than Cure for the Sake of People’s Safety and Security” the municipal police have proactively built people’s security posture, preventing and fighting crimes and all plots of hostile forces.

Over the past five years, the number of criminal offences has decreased by an average of more than 8% per year. Notably, last year alone saw the number of criminal offences fall nearly 22% compared to the previous year.

For their outstanding achievements, the Ho Chi Minh City Police have been awarded many noble distinctions by the Party and State, including the Hero of the People’s Armed Forces, and the Feat of Arms Order, second class, alongside many Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister.

The Ho Chi Minh City Police have just been awarded the title of the Hero of the People’s Armed Forces in the Doi Moi (Renewal) process, recognizing the force’s outstanding contributions to protecting security and order in the city.

After the ceremony, Party General Secretary and President To Lam will attend a program commemorating 55 years of the People’s Public Security in implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament (1969-2024) and 79 years of the People’s Public Security Traditional Day (August 19, 1945 - August 19, 2024)./.


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