The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)’s official website recenlty published an article highlighting the journey of President Ho Chi Minh to find a way to liberate his nation and his influence on revolutionary movements of colonial countries around the world.

The article on the website (Photo:
The article was written by Rosé Renato Rabelo, President of the PCdoB’s Maurício Grabois Foundation, on the occasion of the 131st birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 – May 19, 2021).
“Ho, the founder of communism in Vietnam, was the real soul of the revolution. His personal qualities and his exemplary simplicity, integrity and revolutionary determination still influence generations of progressive movements worldwide today,” the author wrote.
According to the Brazilian expert, the fundamental perception of Ho Chi Minh’s military thinking was to conceive the struggle against colonialism and neocolonialism as the peoples’ struggle for independence. Vietnam’s victory in the battle of Dien Bien Phu, for example, had a profound impact on the fight against colonialism. From 1954 to the late 1960s, more than 40 nations became independent and the resistances against colonialism freed more than a billion people in over 100 countries.
Another great idea developed by Ho Chi Minh was that the national revolution must go with social liberation. In this regard, the Vietnamese leader highlighted the need for creative application of revolutionary theories in each country, based on its historical and cultural particularities.
According to the article, Ho Chi Minh underscored the importance of building a united Communist Party from the grassroots to the central level. He also sought to develop solidarity with neighbouring countries, socialist nations and international community, including the progressive and democratic movements globally, the author said.
Under Ho Chi Minh’s leadership, the Vietnamese people defeated the French, the Japanese and the American to achieve independence and construct a modern, industrial and democratic socialist nation, he noted.
Against the backdrop of the peoples’ daily struggle around the world, the exemplary revolution of the Vietnamese people and the robust development of the Asian country is the legacies left by late President Ho Chi Minh, he said./.