Pagoda imbued with Ho Chi Minh cultural space

Delegates visit Ho Chi Minh cultural space (Photo:

During the inauguration ceremony, Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Thu Duc City Nguyen Thi Thanh Luan said that the park is designed with miniature landscapes and three stone blocks engraved with Uncle Ho's sayings and teachings to disseminate learning and following Uncle Ho's example in the residential community and religious followers.

The Ho Chi Minh cultural space located within the park campus displays an exhibition of images about the life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh; introduces Uncle Ho's sayings, teachings and poems on Buddhism and religious solidarity; and promotes the strength of the great national unity. It also links to pages on building the city's Ho Chi Minh cultural space to develop reading culture with many types of books, book sources, authors and works about President Ho Chi Minh. There is a screen showing documentary films about the life, background and career of President Ho Chi Minh and a radio broadcast introducing stories about Uncle Ho's revolutionary life through the words of Professor Hoang Chi Bao.

Venerable Thich Vien Minh, abbot of Buu Long Pagoda, said that the construction of a clean, green, environmentally friendly park associated with Ho Chi Minh cultural space at Buu Long Pagoda contributes to strongly spreading President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, replicating examples of learning and following Uncle Ho’s example in the community and religious followers./.


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