President Ho Chi Minh commemorated at revolutionary relic

Delegation members commemorate President Ho Chi Minh. (Photo:

The activity aimed to celebrate the 134th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19) and 66th anniversary of the traditional day of the internal political security department of the Thai Nguyen Public Security.   

In a solemn atmosphere, the delegation respectfully offered incense, expressed their respect and gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh - the founder who took care of building, educating and training the heroic Vietnam People's Police forces.

The delegation reported outstanding achievements in protecting internal political security, cultural and ideological security, information security; advising on state management in the fields of culture, education, health, labor and society, publishing, journalism, information and communication technology, and state secrets; and ensuring absolute security and safety for Party and State leaders, international delegations, and political and cultural events held in the area.

The delegation members pledged to well implement Uncle Ho’s teachings, bringing peace and happiness for the people.

The ATK special national relic is the place where President Ho Chi Minh, together with the Party Central Committee and Government members worked to lead the resistance war against the French colonialism (1946-1954), deciding important issues of the country, leading to victory, ending the war, and restoring peace in Indochina./.


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