Mobile Police Force reports their achievements to President Ho Chi Minh

The Mobile Police Command reports their achievements to Uncle Ho (Photo:

The Mobile Police Force was established on April 15, 1974. Since the early days, the force along with the army and people of the country and the People's Public Security force, have overcome countless difficulties and hardships, contributing to crushing all plots and activities of hostile forces, which aimed at sabotaging the construction of socialism in the North; protected the absolute safety of targets and vital routes serving the battlefield in the South; participated in taking over newly liberated areas, organizing forces to maintain security and order, and protecting the absolute safety of the nation's great victory day.

The Mobile Police Command pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his Mausoleum. (Photo:

In each historical period of the country, the Mobile Police Force has closely followed assigned political tasks; always consulting with the Central Public Security Party Committee and leaders of the Ministry of Public Security on implementing armed measures to protect national security and maintain social order and safety; proactively grasping, analyzing and forecasting the situation, deploying plans to absolutely safely protect targets, transport special goods; important political and social events taking place nationwide; promptly prevent and quell disturbances, demonstrations and riots; make coordinated efforts to successfully destroy many criminal, economic, drug and smuggling projects; participate in patrolling, controlling, and maintaining security and order in complex routes and areas.

Delegates at the event (Photo:

After 50 years of building, fighting and developing, the mobile police force has made many outstanding achievements and was awarded three Ho Chi Minh Medals by the Party and State; six Military Merit Medals; one Labor Medal; 14 Fatherland Defense Medals; 22 Victory Medals; 11 collectives and 16 individuals were awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces; thousands of collectives and tens of thousands of individuals were awarded many other noble rewards. In particular, the mobile police force was honored to receive the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces for the second time on the 50th anniversary of the Mobile Police Force’s tradition day.

In the solemn atmosphere at the ceremony, the delegation pledged to be absolutely loyal to the Party, Fatherland and People, highly promoting the heroic tradition, building a truly clean, strong, regular and modern force. It is always united to overcome all difficulties, ready to accept and successfully complete all assigned tasks.

After the ceremony and visiting President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, the delegation respectfully offered flowers and commemorated the heroic martyrs at the Bac Son Martyr Monument in Ba Dinh district, Hanoi./.


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