Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space promoted in Long An’s city

Delegates visit Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space. (Photo: baolongan.vn)

On May 28, the People's Committee of Tan An City, Long An province held the launching ceremony of the Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space at the Tong Than Historical Relic.

Ho Chi Minh Cultural Spaces aim to promote content about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh; his views, thoughts and teachings; stories, literary and artistic works about Uncle Ho associated with officials, Party members and people.

The Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space includes space to display and introduce works of President Ho Chi Minh; books and articles written about him and related historical films reflected through 100 books of all kinds; 36 photo frames, 100 digitized stories; and "national treasure" works of President Ho Chi Minh.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of Tan An City People's Committee Vo Hong Thao said that the construction of the Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space would help continue to effectively deploy learning and following President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style for officials, Party members and people in the area.

“It also aims to foster revolutionary ideals, arouse patriotism, affirm the mission of Vietnamese culture, and make studying and following Uncle Ho a voluntary, regular and practical job, contributing to building Tan An City into a friendly, civilized and modern city,” he added.

This was an activity to celebrate the 134th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh; 113 years since Uncle Ho left to find a way to save the country (June 5, 1911 - June 5, 2024); 15 years since the establishment of Tan An City, and to welcome Party Congresses at all levels for the 2025 - 2030 term./.


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