Overseas Vietnamese in Romania follow President Ho Chi Minh’s example

Vietnamese Ambassador to Romania Do Duc Thanh and delegates offer incense to Uncle Ho (Photo: VOV)

The ceremony was attended by many officials, staff and family members of the Vietnamese Embassy in Romania, representatives of overseas Vietnamese associations and students in the country.

On the occasion, participants attended a community event to share about community activities, citizen protection work of the embassy and discussed with representatives of new students who just arrived in Romania to study, encouraging them to join community activities, especially teaching Vietnamese classes for overseas Vietnamese children in the community.

At the end of the ceremony, Chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Romania Pham Duy Hung briefly announced the donations to support overseas Vietnamese who suffered damages in the fire in Poland.

On behalf of officials and staff, Ambassador Do Duc Thanh sent donations to support people affected by the fire in Poland and called upon overseas Vietnamese associations to strengthen firefighting and prevention, and to pay insurance premiums./.


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