The Ministry of Education and Training has just sent a document to the Departments of Education and Training; universities, academies and pedagogical colleges on the proposal to launch and effectively organize tree planting festival in gratitude to Uncle Ho in 2024.

Education sector promotes tree planting festival in gratitude to Uncle Ho. (Source:
Implementing Directive 03/CT-TTg dated February 6, 2024 of the Prime Minister on organizing tree planting festival in gratitude to Uncle Ho and strengthening forest management, protection and development; Directive 06/CT-TTg dated February 15, 2024 of the Prime Minister on urging the implementation of key tasks after the Lunar New Year holiday 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training recommends that Departments of Education Education and Training, universities, academies, universities, and pedagogical colleges (collectively referred to as units) carry out some of the following contents:
Continue to launch and effectively organize the movement " tree planting festival in gratitude to Uncle Ho” in 2024; Coordinate with the government and local organizations to organize education managers, teachers, pupils, and students participate in planting trees locally and on school campuses to ensure practicality and effectiveness; Carry out good care and protection of plants and existing planting areas.
In addition, strengthen providing information to educational administrators, teachers, pupils and students to actively participate in planting trees and forests, contributing to completing the goal of "Planting one billion trees in the period 2021-2025". Raise awareness for managers, teachers, pupils and students about the role, effects and value of forests, the meaning of planting trees and afforestation; forest fire prevention and fighting, protecting the ecological environment, contributing to natural disaster mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
At the same time, continue to direct the organization of teaching and integration of topics to learn about the role, effects and value of trees and forests for human life in subjects, educational activities and extracurricular activities for pupils and students./.
Compiled by BTA