Brigade 88 (Chemical Corps), the Chemical Corps’ Political Department has coordinated with the Military Library to organize an exhibition, book display and cultural exchange on Uncle Ho in celebration of his 134th birth anniversary.
In his opening speech, Colonel Nguyen Van Tuan, Political Commissar of Brigade 88, said the program aims to review the life, background, and glorious revolutionary career of beloved President Ho Chi Minh and encourage officers and soldiers to actively read books, study and improve awareness, knowledge, professional qualifications and skills.

Delegates cut the ribbon to open the program. (Photo:

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Mac Thuy Duong, Director of the Military Library, presented books to Brigade 88. (Photo:

Arts performance at the cultural exchange program. (Photo:
At the program, delegates enjoyed special musical performances praising the glorious Party, the great Uncle Ho, the heroic Army, and the rich and beautiful city of Da Nang, performed by officers and soldiers of chemical units in the Central region.

Leader of the Military Library introduced books about the life, background and career of President Ho Chi Minh to officers and soldiers of Brigade 88. (Photo:
Activities of the exhibition introduced books and documents about the life, background and glorious revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh; glorious tradition and heroic victories of the nation, the Vietnam People’s Army, and the heroic Chemical Corps in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland.
On this occasion, the Military Library presented 10 book sets and 400 books to Brigade 88, contributing to diversifying and enriching the reading room, book room and library activities of the unit./.