Art performance celebrates 134th anniversary of Uncle Ho's birth

The art performances at To Hieu primary school in Son La city. (Source:

The programme drew the participation of more than 300 teachers and students from 14 class groups, who performed 17 songs and dances with the content of praising the Party, beloved Uncle Ho, and praising the homeland and the Dien Bien Phu victory.

It was held in a joyful and exciting atmosphere. The performances were carefully rehearsed and prepared by the school's teachers and children, with investment in performance costumes creating a lively and colorful stage.

This is one of the meaningful extracurricular activities, creating a playground for children to develop physically, emotionally, intellectually and aesthetically in a comprehensive way. At the same time, this contributes to improving quality and effectively implementing the campaign "Building friendly schools, active students"  and "Building happy schools".


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