Dak Nong: Over 500 students study and follow Uncle Ho's example

Leader of the Commission of Popularization and Education spoke at the conference. (Photo: baocaovien.vn)

At the conference, delegates and students of Dak Nong Community College watched the documentaries “Ho Chi Minh - Aspiration for Development” and “Revolutionary morality is the root, foundation of revolutionaries”.

Also at the event, delegates were informed about the outstanding results in the implementation of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle in the 2016 – 2024 period; outstanding achievements over nearly 40 years of the Doi Moi (Renewal) policy, especially in the field of Party building in terms of politics, ideology, morality, organization and cadres.

Recently, Party committees and organizations at all levels of Dak Nong have focused on promoting studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle and achieved many important results. For students and youth union members in the area, popularization work, morality and lifestyle education have been carried out in many rich and diverse forms, suitable for each level of education and training profession.

Aiming to continue to widely spread studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle, the leader of the Dak Nong Party Committee’s Commission of Popularization and Education suggested that students need to raise awareness, clearly see their roles and responsibilities, strive to study to improve their professional qualifications, and cultivate and practice political qualities, morality and lifestyle; contributing to forming high-quality human resources to meet social requirements./.


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