The Government leader has just approved the planning of preserving and restoring the special national relic of Dinh Hoa Historical Monument Safety Zone (ATK Dinh Hoa), associated with tourism development in Thai Nguyen province.

The special national relic of Dinh Hoa Historical Monument Safety Zone (ATK Dinh Hoa). (Photo:
Accordingly, the total planning area is 197 ha, located in the communes of Phu Dinh, Diem Mac, Dinh Bien, Bao Linh, Cho Chu town, Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province and other relative landscape and heritage areas.
According to the planning orientation, the function of the ATK Museum will be transformed into the exhibition house of Uncle Ho’s relics in the 1948-1954 period at Tin Keo hill. Artifacts, documents and works related to President Ho Chi Minh and his activities during his stay and work there will be displayed at the exhibition house.
The area of Uncle Ho’s relic in Khuon Tat (including banyan tree, Khuon Tat stream section, stilt house and cellar in Na Dinh hill) will be preserved intact the spatial structure and landscape of Khuon Tat stream. Relic forest on Na Dinh hill will be preserved./.