Head of PCC’s Comamission for Internal Affairs offers incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

The delegation offers flowers and incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh. (Photo: truyenhinhnghean.vn)

At the Kim Lien Special National Relic Site, Mr. Phan Dinh Trac and the delegation respectfully offered flowers and incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh, expressing their respect and infinite gratitude for the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh, the genius leader of Party and people of Vietnam, an outstanding activist of the international Communist and Workers' movements. President Ho Chi Minh devoted and sacrificed his whole life to the cause of national liberation, fighting for peace and happiness of the Vietnamese people and people around the world.

In front of the spirit of President Ho Chi Minh, the delegation vowed to study and follow his ideology, morality and style.

Previously, the delegation offered flowers and incense at Chung Son Temple – where worship President Ho Chi Minh's ancestors./.


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