Diverse photos and exhibits about Uncle Ho have been preserved and left deep impressions on Vietnamese people’s hearts.

An exhibition on precious photos and exhibits on Uncle Ho’s revolutionary life was held at the Ho Chi Minh Museum. It showcased over 300 photos and exhibits during the time from when Uncle Ho lived in his hometown in Nghe An province until he established the country, led the people to build socialism in the north and struggle against the US invader in the south.

President Ho Chi Minh’s portrait during his revolutionary activities in France

A set of books presented by Uncle Ho’s father when he lived in An Giang province

A model of the ship Admiral Latouche Treville on which Uncle Ho worked as a kitchen hand during his journey to France in 1911.

A model of the house in Paris, France, where President Ho Chi Minh lived from 1921 to 1923

Two paintings by Uncle Ho posted in Le Paria in 1922

Uncle Ho’s portrait when he worked in Guangzhou (China)

In 1931, Uncle Ho under the name Tong Van So was arrested by the British administration in Hong Kong (China). After 18 months bearing a sentence, in 1932 Uncle Ho received the help of an English lawyer - Loseby, to be released. After that, Uncle Ho had to disguise himself as a wealthy businessman to leave Hong Kong (China).

A painting of Uncle Ho teaching revolutionary cadres in Guangzhou (China)

Uncle Ho with cadres at the meeting to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam

President Ho Chi Minh assigned tasks to General Vo Nguyen Giap for Dien Bien Phu Campaign.

President Ho Chi Minh in the uniform of Vietnamese navy forces

Uncle Ho visited air defence forces that protected Hanoi in 1966.

Uncle Ho and Truong Chinh, Ton Duc Thang, Le Duan

A sword and padded waistcoat Uncle Ho presented to "King of the Meo" (former name of the Mong ethnic group) Vuong Chi Sinh.
BTA (Photos: VOV)