On June 21, party cells of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a symposium to celebrate the 110th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s departure to find a way to save the country (June 5, 1911).

Participant at the event. (Photo: baoquocte.vn)
The event attracted the participation of officials and party members of 3 party cells and representatives of 13 branches currently working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ working house.
It was also attended by Dr. Chu Duc Tinh, former Director of the Ho Chi Minh Museum, who devoted himself to the research, collection and display of memorabilia and documents about President Ho Chi Minh for nearly 40 years.
Dr. Chu Duc Tinh narrated very touching, honest, everyday stories and difficulties that Uncle Ho experienced in the process of finding a way to save the country, thereby showing the image of a great personality of Ho Chi Minh, the embodiment of brilliant revolutionary morality, lifelong attachment to the people, and wholehearted devotion for the revolutionary cause of the entire Party and people.
The activities aimed to raise awareness of cadres and party members about the historical significance and epochal value of Uncle Ho’s departure to find a way to save the country; associated with the implementation of Conclusion 01/KL-TW dated May 18, 2021 of the Politburo on the continuous implementation of Directive 05-CT/TW dated May 15, 2016 of the Politburo (term 12) on promoting studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style./.