Independence – Freedom – Happiness
May 10th 1969
Even though our people’s struggle against US aggression, and for national salvation may have to go through more hardships and sacrifices, we are bound to win total victory.
This is a certainty.
I intend, when that comes, to tour both South and North to congratulate our heroic fellow-countrymen, cadres and combatants, and visit old people and our beloved youths and children.
Then, on behalf of our people, I will go to the fraternal countries of the socialist camp and friendly countries in the whole world and thank them for their whole-hearted support and assistance to our people’s patriotic struggle against US aggression.
Tu Fu, the famous poet of the Tang period in China, wrote: “IN all times, few are those who reach the age of seventy”.
This year, being seventy-nine I can already count myself among those “few”; still, my mind has remained perfectly lucid, though my health has somewhat declined in comparison with the last few years. When one has seen more than seventy Springs, one’s health deteriorates with one’s growing age. This is no wonder.
But who can say how much longer I shall be able to serve the revolution, the Homeland and the people?
“I therefore leave these few lines in anticipation of the day when I shall go and join Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin and other revolutionary elders; this way, our people throughout the country, our comrades in the Party, and our friends in the world will not be taken by surprise.
First about the Party – Thanks to its close unity and total dedication to the working class, the people and the Homeland, our Party has been able, since its founding, to unite, organize and lead our people from success to success in a resolute struggle.
Unity is an extremely precious tradition of our Party and people. All comrades, from the Central Committee down to the cells, must preserve the unity and oneness of mind in the Party as the apple of their eye.
Within the Party, to establish broad democracy and to practice self-criticism and criticism regularly and seriously is the best way to consolidate and develop solidarity and unity. Comradely affection should prevail.
Ours is a Party in power. Each Party member; each cadre must be deeply imbued with revolutionary morality, and show industry, thrift, integrity, uprightness, total dedication to the public interest and complete selflessness. Our Party should preserve absolute purity and prove worthy of its role as the leader and very loyal servant of the people.
The Working Youth Union members and our young people in general are good ; they are always ready to come forward, fearless of difficulties and eager for progress. The Party must foster their revolutionary virtues and train them to be our successors, both “red” and “expert”, in the building of socialism.
The training and education of future revolutionary generations is of great importance and necessity.
Our labouring people, in the plains as in the mountains, have for generation after generation endured hard-ships, feudal and colonial oppression end exploitation; they have in addition experienced many year of war.
Yet, our people have shown great heroism, courage, enthusiasm and industriousness. They have always followed the Party since it came into being, with unqualified loyalty.
The Party must work out effective plans for economic and cultural development so as to constantly improve the life of our people .
The war of resistance against US aggression may drag on. Our people may have to face new sacrifices of life and property. Whatever happens, we must keep firm our resolve to fight the US aggressors till total victory.
Our mountains will always be, our rivers will always be, our people will always be;
The American invaders defeated, we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.
No matter what difficulties and hardships lie ahead, our people are sure of total victory. The US imperialists will certainly have to quit. Our Homeland will certainly be reunified. Our fellow-countrymen in the South and in the North will certainly be re-united under the same roof. We, a small nation, will have earned the signal honour of defeating, through heroic struggle, two big imperialisms – the French and the American – and of making a worthy contribution to the world national liberation movement.
About the world communist movement – Being a men who has devoted his whole life to the revolution, the more proud I am of the growth of the international communist and workers’ movement, the more pained I am by the current discord among the fraternal Parties.
I hope that our Party will do its best to contribute effectively to the restoration of unity among the fraternal Parties on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, in a way which conforms to both reason and sentiment.
I am firmly confident that the fraternal Parties and countries will have to unite again.
About personal matters – All my life, I have served the Homeland, the revolution and the people with all my heart and strength. If I should now depart from this world, I would have nothing to regret, except not being able to serve longer and more.
When I am gone, a grand funeral should be avoided in order not to waste the people’s time and money.
Finally, to the whole people, the whole Party, the whole army, to my nephew and nieces, the youth and children, I leave my boundless love.
I also convey my cordial greetings to our comrades and friends, and to the youth and children throughout the world.
My ultimate wish is that our entire Party and people, closely joining their efforts, will build a peaceful, reunified, independent, democratic and prosperous Vietnam, and make a worthy contribution to the world revolution.
Hanoi , May 10th 1969
Ho Chi Minh
President Ho Chi Minh's testament
The Gioi Publisher