The Party Committee of the Soc Trang Agencies and Businesses Bloc on January 18 organized a conference to research and thoroughly grasp the 2024 special subject on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style on promoting cultural identity of the ethnic groups and people of Soc Trang to meet the requirements of innovation, integration and development.

Delegates attended the conference. (Photo:
The conference was attended by over 200 officials and party members, being members and collaborators of Steering Committee 35, and rapporteurs of the Party Committee of the provincial Agencies and Businesses Bloc; Party Secretaries or Deputy Party Secretaries of party cells.
The special subject includes 2 main parts: Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style on cultural building and human development; studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style in promoting the cultural identity of ethnic groups and people of Soc Trang, meeting the requirements of innovation, integration and development.
The special subject provides basic content about Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, style and the Party’s views on cultural building and human development; a number of tasks and solutions to promote the cultural identity and people of Soc Trang for comprehensive development to meet the requirements of innovation and integration.
This subject is used for studying and activities of party cells, unions, agencies and units in the political system and is widely popularized to the people in the province./.