The Party Committee of the General Department of Logistics has held an online conference to review the 5-year implementation of Directive 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on enhancing studying and following the ideology, morality and style of President Ho Chi Minh.
Lieutenant General Do Van Thien, Secretary of the Party Committee, Political Commissar of the General Department of Logistics, chaired the conference.

Lieutenant General Do Van Thien spoke at the event. (Photo:
Over the past 5 years, the Party Committee, commander of the General Department of Logistics and Party executive committees and commanders at all levels have thoroughly grasped and seriously implemented the directives, plans and instructions of their superiors; and took many positive and creative measures in leading and directing the implementation of the Directive 05, the Resolutions of the 4th PCC meeting (terms XI and XII) on Party building and rectification.
In his speech, Lieutenant General Do Van Thien praised the results achieved by agencies and units in the implementation of the Directive 05 over the past time.
He stressed that on the foundation of deeply grasping Directive 05, Directive 87, Party committees and commanders at all levels, agencies, units, organizations and forces in the General Department of Logistics should continue to further study and follow the ideology, morality and style of President Ho Chi Minh as a voluntary work in association with implementing resolutions and directives of Party committees at all levels and political tasks of agencies and units.
On this occasion, 17 collectives and 17 individuals were awarded certificates of merit by the leaders of the General Department of Logistics for their outstanding achievements in implementing Directive 05./.