Thematic seminar on Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style held in Myanmar

Delegates at the event (Photo:

The event was organized by the Vietnamese Embassy in Myanmar in coordination with the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)’s Yangon branch, Myanmar International Telecommunications Company (Mytel) and Viettel Construction Myanmar (VCM).

The event was attended by more than 70 officials, staff and employees of the Vietnamese Embassy and companies operating in Myanmar.

In his opening speech, Vietnamese Ambassador to Myanmar Ly Quoc Tuan affirmed that President Ho Chi Minh devoted his entire life to the struggle for national liberation, building the foundation for today’s unified, peaceful, independent, democratic and prosperous Vietnam, to be a bridge of friendly cooperation between the Vietnamese people and peoples around the world.

President Ho Chi Minh symbolizes the national essence and the indomitable will of the Vietnamese people. At the same time, Ho Chi Minh's ideology continues to be the guiding principle of action for the work of protecting and building the fatherland today.

On this occasion, delegates listened to truthful and touching stories about Uncle Ho's life and revolutionary activities told by Professor Dr. Hoang Chi Bao.

At the same time, delegates also listened to valuable lessons about Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic style and ideology, and memories of President Ho Chi Minh's visit to Myanmar in 1958 presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Minh Tuyet, Senior Lecturer from the Academy of Journalism and Communications.

Through the event, officials and employees of the Vietnamese Embassy and companies operating in Myanmar became more and more aware of and imbued with Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style; contributing to communicating, educating and raising awareness for Vietnamese officials, employees and workers in Myanmar about Uncle Ho’s great contributions to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy in Myanmar also summarized the writing contest "Protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile viewpoints" launched in March 2024./.


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