On April 16, during a working visit in Nghe An province, the delegation from the Russian Embassy in Vietnam and Russia’s Ulyanovsk provincial authority came to Kim Lien Special National Relic to offer flowers and incense in commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh.

Vice Chairman of the Ulyanovsk provincial government Kabanov Oleg Vladimirovich offers incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh. (Photo: baonghean.vn)
The delegation included Mr. Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam; Mr. Kabanov Oleg Vladimirovich, Vice Chairman of the Ulyanovsk provincial government; and Mr. Anton Viktorovich Golubev, Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Vietnam.
At the Kim Lien Special National Relic, in a sacred atmosphere, the delegation offered flowers and incense to commemorate and express their respect to the heroic spirit of President Ho Chi Minh - the great leader of the Party and people of Vietnam.
President Ho Chi Minh devoted his entire life to the cause of national liberation of the Vietnamese people, striving tirelessly for peace and progress worldwide. He was honored by UNESCO as a national liberation hero - an outstanding cultural celebrity.
The cooperative relationship between Nghe An province and the Russian Federation, especially with twinned Ulyanovsk province - V. I. Lenin's hometown, has been sustained over the years and increasingly developing in many areas, from economy - trade to tourism, culture and sports.
In particular, the President Ho Chi Minh Monument and Square in Ulyanovsk province and the V. I. Lenin Monument in Vinh city, Nghe An province will become symbols of the good and increasingly sustainable relationship between V. I. Lenin's hometown and President Ho Chi Minh's hometown.
The delegation of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Vietnam and the Ulyanovsk provincial government also visited President Ho Chi Minh's paternal hometown and listened to tour guides introducing the great leader's family, life and revolutionary career./.
Compiled by BTA