Luis Silva, an expert on government relations and an editor of Professor Nguyen Dai Trang's English book “The Black Race by Ho Chi Minh and Selected Works on Systemic Racism”, has showed his wish to spread the legacies of the Vietnamese President, Ho Chi Minh, to international friends.

Participants in seminar entitled “Ho Chi Minh in Brazil: Liberation of the Black and Solidarity of Classes”
(Photo: VNA)
Attending a seminar entitled “Ho Chi Minh in Brazil: Liberation of the Black and Solidarity of Classes” held by the Canada-ASEAN Initiatives on February 11, Luis Silva, who has edited three books on President Ho Chi Minh by Prof. Trang, affirmed the need to translate the works of the great Vietnamese leader into English so that future generations can gain access to them, according to the Vietnam News Agency.
He said that President Ho Chi Minh had numerous works throughout the 1920s on injustices against the black, including "La Raza Negra" (Black Race, 1925), a collection of 13 articles in French on the topic.
In 1924, the eminent Vietnamese leader wrote "Class Solidarity," a true story about the trial of José Léandro da Silva, a black sailor in Brazil who was arrested during a strike in Rio de Janeiro and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
This work was published for the first time in the French newspaper L'Humanité, and in Portuguese in the Brazilian newspaper O Paíz two months later, Luis Silva pointed out.
The President’s literary works on injustices against the black since the 1920s have not been widely known in the world yet, said the scholar, assuring that he will continue to study more on this topic.
Sharing the same view, Joe Pateman, currently working at the Faculty of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield, the UK, emphasised that President Ho Chi Minh’s articles on the black race are excellent, as readers can find them very standard, educational, and also very polemic./.