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According to the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Latin America, this is one of various activities carried out by the Venezuelan media during this time to introduce the Venezuelan people to President Ho Chi Minh's life and career, the Father of the Vietnamese nation, the talented leader and cultural celebrity of the world.
The film recreated the heroic struggle history of the Vietnamese nation associated with President Ho Chi Minh, a simple man, who spent all his life to fight and sacrifice for the happiness of the people, fighting for the independence and freedom of the nation until his last breath. The film honors the noble and humorous qualities, simple virtues, compassion and patriotism of Uncle Ho, as well as the two heroic resistance wars of the Vietnamese people.
On this occasion, Venezuela’s Radio Station RNV also broadcast a special program with the participation of journalist Angel Miguel Bastidas, who had worked many years in Vietnam, to introduce the life and career of great President Ho Chi Minh, as well as the country and people of the heroic Vietnam in the past struggles for national independence and in the nation's construction and development today./.